

Alarm Memory

Checking Alarm Memory

This function allows you to replay back the last forty events that occurred to the system. The event memory history will replay all alarms and arming/disarming of the system in AWAY Mode, STAY Mode 1 and STAY Mode 2. However, the system cannot differentiate between arming the system in STAY Mode 1 or STAY Mode 2.

How To Enter Event Memory

Enter your Master Code followed by 8 and the # button (eg: 2580 + 8#). Three beeps will be heard. The last forty events will display one at a time via the codepad indicators starting from the most recent event. A beep will be heard as each event is displayed.

Arming & Disarming The System

Arming The System (On)


  1. Press and hold the # key until two beeps are heard.
  2. Enter your code followed by the # key. [eg. 2580 + #].

STAY Mode 1

  1. Press and hold the * key until two beeps are heard.
  2. Enter your code followed by the * key. [eg. 2580 + *].

STAY Mode 2

  1. Press and hold the 0 key until two beeps are heard.

Arm All Areas In AWAY Mode

  1. Enter your code followed by 0 and then the # key [eg. 2580 + 0 + #].

This function allows a code to arm all areas that the code is assigned to in AWAY Mode at the same time without the need to arm each area individually.

Disarming The System (Off)


  1. Enter your code followed by the # key. [eg. 2580 + #].

STAY Mode 1

  1. Press and hold the * key until two beeps are heard (Only if no alarm).
  2. Enter your code followed by the # key. [eg. 2580 + #].

STAY Mode 2

  1. Press and hold the 0 key until two beeps are heard (Only if no alarm).
  2. Enter your code followed by the # key. [eg. 2580 + #].

Disarm All Areas

  1. Enter your code followed by 0 and then the # key [eg. 2580 + 0 + #].

This function allows a code to disarm all areas that the code is assigned to at the same time without the need to disarm each area individually.


Isolating Zones

Standard Isolating

  1. Press the * key twice.
  2. Enter the zone number that you want to isolate followed by the * key.
    Repeat step 2 if more than one zone is required to be isolated.
  3. Press the # key to exit when finished.

Code To Isolate

  1. Press the * key once.
  2. Enter your user code.
  3. Enter the zone number that you want to isolate followed by the * key.
    Repeat step 2 if more than one zone is required to be isolated.
  4. Press the # key to exit when finished.

Chime Mode

Day Alarm/Chime Mode

Day alarm allows a combination of zones to be monitored during the disarmed state by beeping the codepad buzzer. Only your installer can program zones 1 – 4 to operate for day alarm.


An example set-up of a day alarm could be the front door of a shop that has a pressure mat or electronic beam that customers activate as they enter to and from the shop. As the customers walk onto the pressure mat or break the electronic beam, the codepad buzzer will beep.

How To Turn Day Alarm On

1. Hold down button 4 until three beeps are heard. Day alarm will now be turned on. All zones programmed for day alarm operation will cause the codepad buzzer to beep during the disarmed state when activated.

How To Turn Day Alarm Off

1. Hold down button 4 until two beeps are heard. Day alarm will now be turned off.

Change The Date & Time

Setting Date and Time

  1. Enter the Master Code followed by 6 and the# key [eg. 2580 + 6 + #].
  2. Enter the day(DD), month (MM) and year (YY) followed by the hour (HH) and minute(MM).
  3. Press the # key to exit.

Trouble Messages

Fault Analysis

  1. Press and hold the 5 key until two beeps are heard.
  2. Zone Indicators will display FAULT condition(see table below).
  3. Press # key to exit.

Zone LEDFAULT Condition
1System FaultPress and Hold Button 1 To Determine Fault 1 = Battery Fail 2 = Date/Time 3 = RF Rx Jamming RF Rx Tamper RF Rx Comm’s Fail 4 = Horn Speaker Fail 5 = Telephone Line Fail 6 = E2 Fail 7 = Fuse Fail 8 = AC Fail
2RF Low BatteryPress and Hold Button 2 To Determine Fault Displays Zones (1-8) that registers RF Low Battery
3Zone TamperPress and Hold Button 3 To Determine Fault Displays Zones (1-8) that registers Zone Tamper
4Sensor WatchPress and Hold Button 4 To Determine Fault Displays Zones (1-8) that registers Zone Tamper
5RF Sensor WatchPress and Hold Button 5 To Determine Fault Displays Zones (1-8) that registers Zone Tamper
6Communication FailPress and Hold Button 6 To Determine Fault 1 = Receiver 1 Fail (Dialler) 2 = Receiver 2 Fail (Dialler)

User Code Change

Add A User Code

  1. Enter the Master Code followed by 1 and the# key [eg. 2580 + 1 + #].
  2. Enter the User Number (1 –16) that you wantto add / change followed by the # key.
  3. Enter the New Code followed by the # key.

Add RF Keyfob

  1. Enter the Master Code followed by 1 and the# key [eg. 2580 + 1 + #].
  2. Enter the User Number (9 –16) that you wantto add followed by the # key.
  3. Enter the 9-digit RF keyfob ID numberfollowed by the # key.

Delete A User Code / RF Keyfob

  1. Enter the Master Code followed by 1 and the# key [eg. 2580 + 1 + #].
  2. Enter the User Number (1 –16) that you wantto delete followed by the # key.
  3. Press the * key to delete the user code.