

Arm Disarm Bypass

Changing Areas:

In a multi-area system it is possible to control more than one area from the one code pad by switching area views. Once an area view is accessed the code pad will revert to the default area view after 10 seconds unless a key is pressed, in which case it will only switch back 60 seconds from the last key press.

To change the current code pad area view, follow the key sequence show below.

  1. Enter [*] [1] to access the change area function.
  2. Enter an area number from [1] through to [8] to select the area to view.

Arming the panel in the ON mode:

ON is used when the user is away from the premise and wants the interior protected.

Listed below are the steps to arm in the ON Mode:

1. Close all protected doors and windows.

– Ready light will light when all protected zones and sensors are secure.

– If any zones are bypassed, a sensor in that zone can be violated without affecting the ready light. The security system will not arm if the ready light is not on. If the power light is off, you have no AC power. Restore power if possible.

2. Enter your [4 digit user code] to arm the system.

– You may now leave the building via the designated exit path.

– The exit light will flash rapidly for the last 10 seconds of the exit delay as a warning to the user that the exit time is about to expire.

Fully Arming The System in Quick Arm Mode:

[ON] is used when the user is away from the premise and wants the interior protected.

Listed below are the steps to arm in the ON Mode:

1. Close all protected doors and windows.

– Ready light will light when all protected zones and sensors are secure.

– If any zones are bypassed, a sensor in that zone can be violated without affecting the ready light. The security system will not arm if the ready light is not on.

– If the power light is off, you have no AC power. Restore power if possible.

2. Press the [ON] key to arm the system.

– The armed and exit lights will illuminate.

– You may now leave the building via the designated exit path.

– The exit light will flash rapidly for the last 10 seconds of the exit delay as a warning to the user that the exit time is about to expire.

Partial Arming the System – Partial or Home Mode:

Home Mode is an easy-to-use feature that allows you to temporarily exclude some rooms from security arming. For example, you may wish to exclude bedrooms at night when they are in use.

Home Mode is also used for protecting exterior doors and windows (the home perimeter) when the user is inside. PARTIAL is used when the user is inside the premise and wants protection around the perimeter.

Listed below are the steps to arm in the PARTIAL Mode:

1. Close all protected doors and windows.

– Ready light will light when all protected zones and sensors are secure.

– If any zones are bypassed, a sensor in that zone can be violated without affecting the ready light. The security system will not arm if the ready light is not on.

– If the power light is off, you have no AC power. Restore power if possible.

2. Press the [PARTIAL] key.

– The bypass light will illuminate if any zone(s) is bypassed.

– The light(s) corresponding to the bypassed zone(s) will illuminate, alerting the user that a zone(s) may be unprotected and can be faulted without an alarm.

Disarming – From the ON or Partial Mode:

When you enter the protected area through one of the designated Entry/Exit doors, the code pad will sound a solid continuous tone for the duration of the entry delay, or until you enter a valid [User Code].

– After entering a valid code the red armed light will go off and the tone will stop. The security system is now DISARMED.

– If a valid code is not entered before the end of the entry delay, an alarm will occur.

– If the red armed light is flashing during the entry delay, the alarm system has been activated in your absence.

Bypassing – Individual Zones:

This is used to temporarily exclude one or more zones that would normally be protected. For instance, a pet may need to be left in a part of the house that is usually protected.

– If you wish to bypass one or more zones, this must be done while the system is in the disarmed state.

– Once you have bypassed the zone(s) you may Arm the system via the [ON] or [PARTIAL]Mode.

– When your security system is disarmed, any zones that had been temporarily isolated or bypassed will be reset, and will therefore be protected when the system is armed again.

– To manually un-bypass zones, perform the bypassing procedure on a zone that is already bypassed. The corresponding light for that zone will go off when un-bypassed.

The following steps are used for bypassing zones:

1. Press the [BYPASS] key.

2. Enter a [user code]. (OPTIONAL) (The bypass light flashes.)

3. Enter a 2-digit zone indicating the zone you wish to bypass.

– (Example: Press the [0] [4] key for zone 4, press [0] [5] for zone 5.) The corresponding light for that zone will turn on when bypassed.

4. Press the [BYPASS] key again.

Exit Mode:

Exit Mode is used when you have already armed your Security System, but need to extend your exit time.

– Pressing the [Exit] button will re-start your exit time, but you may only press the [Exit] button TWICE.

– The code pad will beep faster in the last ten (10) seconds as a warning.

Clear Alarm Memory

Whenever an alarm activation occurs on your system, all zones that were in alarm during that activation will be held in memory. The last alarm activation can be reviewed via the function listed below. i.e. You can see which area has activated the alarm.

  1. Press [*] [3].
  2. The ALARM MEMORY feature will flash those zones that created alarms and will light steady those zones that were bypassed during the last alarm.
  3. Press [#] to exit.

Door Chime Feature

Chime Mode provides only an audible warning at the premises. A ding-dong is sounded from the code pad when the protected area is entered, for example, when an infant opens the door.

The door chime is turned on or off by pressing the [CHIME] key while the system is in the disarmed state.

If the chime is on, the chime light will be illuminated.

If the chime is off, the chime light will be off.

Each press of the [CHIME] key will toggle the chime feature on/off.

Fire Alarm Reset

To reset Smoke Detectors, Zone Troubles and Zone Tampers, the Reset Latched Alarms function must be used.

  1. Enter your [User code] to silence the code pad sounder.
  2. Enter the reset function [*] [7]

Ø If the code pad begins beeping, the reset did not execute properly.

Ø Enter your [User code] to silence the code pad. Wait a few minutes and repeat the reset function to attempt another reset.

Ø If the code pad still beeps after repeated attempts, Troubleshooting required

Function Keys

Ø You must hold these keys for 2 seconds to activate these functions.

Ø Your system may not be programmed for these activations.

Fire Key – If programmed, you can activate the Fire alarm by pressing the Emergency Activation [Fire] key for two seconds. If your system is connected to a monitoring center, an emergency report could be sent to that center. This key should only be pressed in an emergency situation requiring response by fire department personnel.

Auxiliary Key – If programmed, you can activate the auxiliary alarm by pressing the Emergency Activation [Auxiliary] key for two seconds. If your system is connected to a monitoring center, an emergency report could be sent to that center. This key should only be pressed in an emergency situation requiring response by emergency personnel.

Police (Panic/Hold-Up) Key – If programmed, when the Emergency Activation [Police] key is pressed for two seconds, a local audible alarm will sound. If your system is connected to a monitoring center, an emergency report could be transmitted to that center. These keys should only be pressed in an emergency situation requiring immediate response by law enforcement personnel.

Setting Date & Time

Setting The Date:

Example shows setting date as Tuesday, July 5th 2001.

1. Press [*] [9] [6].

2. Enter the [master code].

3. Enter the day of the week (1=Sunday, 7=Saturday) E.g. [3] for Tuesday.

4. Enter the month code. This must always be two (2) digits. E.g. [0] [7] for July.

5. Enter the day code. This must always be two (2) digits. E.g. [0] [5] for the 5th day.

6. Enter the last two (2) digits of the year code. E.g. [0] [1] for 2001.

7. Press [#] to exit. Your date is now set.

Setting The Time:

Example shows setting time as 9:30am.

1. Press [*] [9] [7].

2. Enter the [master code].

3. Enter the hour code which must be two (2) digits. E.g. [0] [9] for 9am. Use military time.

4. Enter the minutes code which must be two (2) digits. E.g. [3] [0] for 30 minutes.

5. Press [#] to exit. Your time is now set.

Test Mode Function

Walk Test:

Walk test is used to test the functionality of your entire zones, and should be performed regularly.

Ø When in walk test mode the code chime sounder will sound each time a zone is activated.

Ø Each activated zone will display on the code pad for the duration of the walk test period.

Ø Once you have activated all zones we can exit the walk test mode.

Ø During walk test the system will not report to the control room.

  1. Enter [*] [CHIME].
  2. Enter a [Master code]. The system is now in walk test mode.
  3. Enter a [Master code] to exit walk test.

Ø If no master code is entered, walk test mode will automatically exit in 15 minutes.

Communicator & Siren Test:

The system sirens and communicator should be tested regularly. The key sequence below is used to perform the siren and communicator test.

  1. Enter keys [*] [4] [4] to initiate the test option
  2. Enter the 4 digit [user code] to turn of the sirens.

Trouble Messages

Service Menu

The service light will be “on” if the security system requires service. If the service light is “on”, press the [*] key followed by the [2] key to determine the service condition. One or more zone lights will illuminate indicating what service(s) is required. Below is a listing of what each light means in a service condition.

1 SYSTEM FAULTPress the [1] key. The zone light (s) that is illuminated corresponds to the system fault (s) below:
1 Over Current Fault2 Siren Trouble
3 Box Tamper4 Expander Power
5 Expander Low Battery6 Expander Box Tamper
7 Expander Trouble8 Reserved
Press the [#] key to return to the 1 of 8 service lights.
2 ZONE TAMPERPress the [2] key and the zone light (s) will illuminate showing the one (s) that is tampered. Press the [#] key to return to the 1 of 8 service lights.
3 ZONE LOW BATTERYPress the [3] key. The zone light (s) will illuminate showing which zone (s) has a low battery. This only applies to wireless zones. Press the [#] key to return to the 1 of 8 service lights.
4 ZONE LOSS OF SUPERVISIONPress the [4] key and the zone light (s) will illuminate showing which zone (s) has loss of supervision. This only applies to wireless zones. Press [#] key to return to the 1 of 8 service lights.
5 ZONE TROUBLEPress the [5] key and the zone light (s) will illuminate showing which zone (s) has a trouble condition. Press the [#] key to return to the 1 of 8 service lights.
6 TELEPHONE LINE TROUBLE/LINE CUTThis light will illuminate when there is telephone line trouble or the telephone line has been cut. The service light will remain lit until the telephone trouble clears and a user code is entered. Note: This fault is global in nature and will affect all areas of a multi-area system.
7 FAILURE TO COMMUNICATEThis light will illuminate when there is a failure to communicate between your system and the central station.
8 LOSS OF SYSTEM TIMEThis light will illuminate when there has been a loss of power and your system clock needs to be reset.

To exit the Service Light Mode – press the [#] key.

Code Pad Control Tones (Beeps)

  • Beeps for all key presses Sounds a continuous tone during the entry delay time.
  • Pulses when a day zone is violated while the system is disarmed.
  • Pulses when a fire zone has a trouble condition.
  • Beeps 3 times for trying to arm with the “Ready” light off, if “Force Arming” has not been selected.
  • Beeps for 1 second or emits a “ding-dong” sound for the “Chime” feature.
  • Beeps during an exit delay; beeps rapidly for the last 10 seconds of an exit delay; and beeps 1 second at the end of the exit delay.
  • Pulses when the armed status changes and the AC power is off.
  • Pulses when the armed status changes and any zone(s) is bypassed.
  • Pulses when the armed status changes and a low battery is detected.
  • Pulses when the armed status changes and a tamper condition is detected. Beeps to indicate telephone line cut, if selected.
  • Pulses when one or more of the following conditions are detected: zone or box tamper, low battery, AC power fail, or expander trouble.

Entering a valid code will silence the code pad sounder when it is pulsing.

Understanding the Lights:

Armed Light The armed light is “on” when the system is armed. The armed light is “off” when it is disarmed. The armed light will flash when there has been an alarm during the previous arm cycle.

Bypass Light The bypass light is “on” when any zone in this code pad’s area is bypassed. The zone(s) that is bypassed will also be illuminated. If the bypass light is “off”, no zones are bypassed.

Chime Light The chime light is “on” when the chime feature is “on”; “off” otherwise.

Exit Light The exit light is “on” during the exit delay. Please note that the light will flash during the last 10 seconds of the exit delay as a warning that the time is running out.
(The user may want to restart the exit delay if the exit light is flashing in order to prevent an alarm. The user may then press the [Exit] key to restart the exit delay before the delay expires.)

Fire Light A steady fire light means a fire zone has been faulted. A rapidly flashing fire light means that a fire zone is in a trouble condition.

On Light The on light is “on” when the system is armed. The on light is “off” when it is disarmed.

Partial Light The partial light is “on” when the system is armed in the Partial Mode. All non bypassed zones will be delayed and follow the Partial delay time. When armed in Partial Mode, the Arm, On, and Bypass lights will also be “on”.

Power Light The power light is on if the primary power is on. The power light will flash if the system has a low battery condition.

Ready Light The ready light is “on” when the system is ready to arm and “flashes” if ready to force arm. The ready light is off when the system is not ready to arm because of a zone(s) being faulted.

Zone Light The zone lights are “off” when everything is normal. A zone light will be “on” if the zone has been bypassed. If a zone light is “flashing”, that zone is in alarm or has been faulted.
If a zone light is “flashing” rapidly, it means that the zone is in a trouble condition. Trouble conditions are:

Hardwire Zone Tamper

Wireless Zone Tamper

Sensor Low Battery

Sensor Loss of Supervision

(A combination of Alarm/Fault and Tamper/Trouble will produce a rapid “flashing” light for a short period of time, followed by a slow flashing” light.)

User Code Change

On occasion you may need to change your arm/disarm codes, either as a security measure or for your own convenience.

User Codes are 4 digits long and must all be different to each other. A master Code must be used to Change and Add user codes.

The default master code is user code one [01] with a code of [1234]. Any user code can be assigned as a master code (See User Code Authorisation).

NOTE: the system must be disarmed before user codes can be changed or added.

Changing/ Adding User Codes:

  1. Enter function five [*] [5].
  2. Enter an existing [master code].
  3. Enter the user code number to add or change.
  4. Enter the new four-digit [user code].
    Repeat steps 3 and 4 for additional user codes.
  5. Enter [#] when completed.

Deleting a User Code:

  1. Enter function five [*] [5].
  2. Enter an existing [master code].
  3. Enter the user code number to be deleted e.g. User three [03].
  4. Press the [CHIME] key five (5) times to delete the user code. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for additional user codes to be deleted.
  5. Enter [#] when completed.

Assigning User Code Authority Levels:

Assign authority levels to users by following the steps below. Assign user codes before assigning authority levels.

  1. Press the [*][6] keys.
  2. Enter a [Master Code].
    – Someone changing the authority of another person can only add or remove authorisation if they have access to that same authority level.
  3. The ready light will flash.
  4. Enter the 2 digit “user number” to be assigned authority (The ready light is constant and the partial light will flash).
  5. Lights illuminated indicate the authority levels assigned to this code. An explanation of the lights is listed below. You may toggle (turn on/off) the authority level by pressing the number for that authority level.
1Reserved (Note: Do not change if on.)
2Arm Only
3Arm Only After Close Window
4Master Arm/Disarm (can program other codes)
6Bypass Zones
7Open / Close Reporting
8If this light is on, Press [#] – [#] to exit.
  • Press the [*][*]. This returns you to Step 3. At this point you may enter another user number to assign authority level.
    Repeat Steps 4 – 6 until you have assigned authority levels to all user numbers.
  • Press the [#] key to exit the Assigning Authority Level Program.