
DL 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300

Arm Disarm Bypassing


To Arm the security system, close all of the protected doors and windows.

The green “READY” light on the code pad control will be illuminated when all of the protected zones and sensors are secure.

The security system will not arm if the “READY” light is not illuminated. With the “READY” light on, you may arm the security system with your Master Code or one of the auxiliary codes.Each time a key is pressed on the code pad control, a short tone (beep) will sound. If the code pad beeps three times after a code entry, it is an indication that the code has not been accepted.

Press the [#] key (reset) and re-enter a valid code. If the code pad control beeps continuously after code entry, it is an indication that the “POWER” light is off. The code pad sounder can be silenced, by re-entering your four-digit code. If the “POWER” light is off, you should restore power to the system if possible.

When the security system has accepted a valid code, the red “ARMED” light will illuminate indicating that the system has been turned on. If you choose to leave the protected area, you must exit within the exit delay time. If you choose to stay within the protected area, insure that all interior zones that be tripped by your movement are isolated.


When you enter the protected area through one of the designated entry/exit doors, the code pad control will sound a continuous tone (beep) for the duration of the entry delay time, or until you enter a valid code. After a valid code has been entered, the red “ARMED” light will turn off, and the tone will stop. The security system is now DISARMED (off). If a valid code is not entered before the end of the entry delay time, an alarm will occur.



To isolate any of the zones, press [*], zone number(s) to be isolated and [*]. Zones cannot be isolated or de-isolated while the control is armed. When the security system is disarmed, all isolated zones will be de-isolated. As isolated zones are not protected, this procedure should only be given to authorized persons.

For example, to isolate zone 1, the sequence would be as follows:
[*] [1] [*]

To isolate zones 1, 3, and 4, the sequence would be as follows:
[*] [1][3][4] [*]

DL250 –
To isolate zones 1, 3, and 4, the sequence would be as follows:
[*] [0][1][0][3][0][4] [*]


If this box is checked, your security system will have the [3] key “QUICK ARM” code programmed. This feature will allow you to arm the security system by pressing one, pre-designated key on the code pad control. This “QUICK ARM” code is for ARMING ONLY, and will not disarm the security system. This makes it ideal for a maid code, babysitter code, etc. This code can only be programmed and/or changed by your installing company.


If this box is checked, your installing company has selected the “Partial Arm” feature for your security system.
“Partial Arm” allows “At Home” system arming for added security. To use this feature, press the [2] key on the code pad control. After 5 seconds the “ARMED” and “PARTIAL” lights on the Code pad Control will be illuminated, indicating that your Security System has entered the “Partial Arm” mode. When selected, the following listed zones will be isolated__________, and all other zones will cause the code pad buzzer only to sound for _____ seconds before the system siren is activated and the alarm signal is transmitted to a Base Station. This allows you to reset your security system prior to it reaching an emergency stage in the event of an accidental zone violation.

To turn this feature off, enter your four-digit code at the code pad control. The “Armed” and “Partial” lights on the code pad control will go out and the security system will be in a full disarmed condition.


If this box is checked, the “Automatic Arming” option has been selected by your installing company. This feature is used to make your system automatically arm itself at a designated time of day if it is not already armed. The code pad will sound a continuous tone for a 50 second time frame before automatically arming. If a valid code is entered during this time frame, the system will not automatically arm.

When automatic arming occurs, all zones that are not secure, will become isolated. Automatic arm may also be programmed to arm your system in the Partial Mode.


If this box is checked, the “Automatic Isolate” feature has been selected by your installing company.

With this feature enabled, your security system can be armed with any or all zones violated. Any violated zone which does not return to a normal state by the end of the exit delay time will be automatically isolated.

Caution should be used when arming your security system to insure that zones necessary for minimal, or desired protection levels are not violated, and thus isolated from the security system. Automatic isolation may also be programmed so that only the exit zones may be faulted before arming can occur.


If this box is checked, the “GROUP ISOLATE” option has been selected by your installing company. If you wish to isolate all zones designated as “GROUP ISOLATE” zones, you may do so by pressing the [*] key during the exit delay.

Once these zones have been isolated, they will remain isolated until the system is disarmed. Once “GROUP ISOLATE” zones have been isolated, the “AUTOMATIC ISOLATE” option will not take effect for this arming time.



If this box is checked, the “AUTO HOME MODE” option has been selected by your installing company.

With this feature enabled, if you do not wish to have a delay on your entry/exit doors, this can be accomplished by pressing the [*] key on your code pad while the system is “ARMED”. At this time, the “PARTIAL” light will illuminate and there will be no entry delay when the entry/exit doors are opened. Any time the “PARTIAL” light is on and the exit delay has expired, the opening of an entry/exit door will produce an immediate alarm, making this feature ideal when a high level of security is desired, and no authorized entries are anticipated.

By pressing the [*] key again, the “PARTIAL” light will turn off, and an entry delay will be present on designated entry/exit doors.

NOTE: Your installing company may have programmed the “AUTO HOME MODE” option to occur in conjunction with the “AUTOMATIC ISOLATE” feature. In this case, the “PARTIAL” light and the isolated “ZONE” lights will become illuminated at the end of the exit delay. If this occurs, you still have the ability to turn the “AUTO HOME MODE” feature off, and/or on by pressing the [*] key.



If your installing company has selected the Multi-Area option for your system, it is possible to arm different areas of your building independently from each other.

The system may have up to 4 independent areas.

To access another area, through the keypad, a special �CHANGE AREA CODE� will be required.

To change the current area being viewed on the keypad, (assuming the �CHANGE AREA CODE� is [4] [3] [2] [1]),

Press [C] [9] [9], (This tells the system you wish to access another area), [4] [3] [2] [1] (The �CHANGE AREA CODE�), followed by the area number to be viewed (1 � 4),

For example, to change the keypad to view area 3, the sequence would be as follows:
[C] [9] [9] [4] [3] [2] [1] [3]

Once the �CHANGE AREA CODE� has been entered, other areas can be viewed by pressing [C] [9] [9] followed by the appropriate area number.

The following examples will show all areas:

[C] [9] [9] [4] [3] [2] [1] [4] Will change to area 4

[C] [9] [9] [3] Will change to area 3

[C] [9] [9] [2] Will change to area 2

[C] [9] [9] [1] Will change to area 1

Memory & Trouble

To review the previous alarm, press [0] and wait 5 seconds. The zones that were activated during the last alarm will flash for 5 seconds. This condition will stay in memory until the next alarm activation.


FIRE Steady Siren

INTRUSION & PANIC Yelping siren


ARMED RED: On when system is armed; off otherwise. Blinks as alarm memory if alarm was activated during arming cycle.

READY GREEN: On when all zones are secure and/or isolated and the system is ready to arm; off otherwise. Blinks for communicator trouble.

PARTIAL RED: On when “Partial Arm” is on; off otherwise.

TAMPER RED: On when “Box Tamper” is activated.

POWER RED: On when AC power is on; off otherwise. Blinks when the system standby battery is low.

ZONES YELLOW: Blinking means unsecured. Steady means isolated. Off means secure.


A sounder is built into the code pad control and may sound for one of the following reasons:

  • Beeps for all key presses.
  • Sounds a continuous tone during the Entry delay time, or Entry-Guard delay time.
  • Pulses when a day zone is violated while the system is disarmed.
  • Pulses when a FIRE zone has a trouble condition.
  • Pulses when the armed status changes and the AC power is off.
  • Beeps 3 times for trying to arm with the “READY” light off, if “AUTOMATIC ISOLATE” has not been selected.
  • Beeps 1 second for the “CHIME” feature.
  • Beeps 1 second at the end of the exit delay.
  • Beeps to indicate telephone line fault if selected.

When pulsing, the code pad sounder may be silenced by entering a valid [User code]. The arm/disarm state of your system will not change when entering a code to silence a pulsing code pad sounder.

Chime Mode

While in the “CHIME” mode, the opening of any of these zones will produce a tone from the code pad control.

To activate this feature, press the “CHIME” digit [1]. Five seconds after pressing this digit, a tone will occur indicating that the “CHIME” feature has been activated.

Repeat this procedure to turn the “CHIME” feature off.

Reset Fire Alarms

To silence the audible fire alarm, enter a valid [User code].

To reset the Fire light and/ or fire/smoke detectors, press the [#] key (reset). After 10 seconds the FIRE light should extinguish and the light on the affected fire/ smoke detector should also extinguish.

Keypad Functions


If this box is checked, the “MANUAL PANIC/HOLD-UP” option has been selected. When selected, pressing the star [*] and hatch [#] keys at the same time for one second, which will sound a local audible alarm.

NOTE: Some Panic/Hold-up alarms are programmed to be silent at the protected building while reporting an alarm to the monitoring centre. Check with your installing company to determine how your security system will respond to the Panic/Hold-up input.


If this box is checked, the “MANUAL FIRE ALARM” option has been selected by your installing company. If so, you can activate the steady siren by pressing the [1] and [3] keys at the same time for one second.


If this box is checked, the “MANUAL MEDICAL ALARM” feature has been selected by your installing company. If so, you can activate the auxiliary alarm by pressing the four [4] and six [6]keys at the same time for one second.


If this box is checked, your security system has a “DURESS CODE” option. User code 15 (User Code 7 for DL100) . If so, this code may be programmed to send a special message to the central monitoring station if you are forced to arm or disarm your security system against your will.

Code Change

Your security system can be armed and disarmed by the Master code (User Code #1) and up to 15 auxiliary codes (7 auxiliary codes for DL100). All codes must have 4 digits. These Auxiliary codes are individually numbered from 2 to 15. (2 to 7 for DL100). If Auxiliary codes are desired, they must be programmed individually. Only persons knowing the Master code can assign or change auxiliary codes.


The master code is user code #1, and must be referred to by its number. For example, if the Master code is [1]-[2]-[3]-[4] and you want to change it to [5]-[3]-[4]-[2], the sequence would be as follows:

Press [*]-[1]-[#] (this enters programming for user #01), then [1]-[2]-[3]-[4] (the old Master code), then [*]-[1]-[#], then [5]-[3]-[4]-[2] (new Master code) then [*]-[1]-[#]. The entire sequence would consist of pressing the 17 keys shown below.

[*]-[1]-[#] – [1]-[2]-[3]-[4] – [*]-[1]-[#] – [5]-[3]-[4]-[2] – [*]-[1]-[#]

(Code 01) (Master Code) (New Code)


In order to program Auxiliary Codes you must know the Master code. As stated earlier, each auxiliary code has its own unique number from 2 to 7. It is programmed much like the Master Code. For example, to program Auxiliary user code #2, the sequence would be as follows:

[*]-[2]-[#] – [5]-[3]-[4]-[2] – [*]-[2]-[#] – [6]-[7]-[8]-[9] – [*]-[2]-[#]

(Code 02) (Master Code) (New Code)


To remove an Auxiliary user code, simply program that code with the same code as the master code (01). For example, to remove user code #5, the sequence would be as follows:

[*]-[5]-[#] – [5]-[3]-[4]-[2] – [*]-[5]-[#] – [5]-[3]-[4]-[2] – [*]-[5]-[#]

(Code 05) (Master Code) (New Code)

View Cheatsheet

Arming The System

Ensure Green Secure Light is on

Enter [CODE] or Press [3] for Quick Arm Feature

Disarming The System

Enter [CODE]


Press [*] + [ZONE NUMBER] + [*]

Reset Keypad

Press [#]

View Alarm Memory

Hold [0] Key for 5 seconds

Reset Smoke Alarms

Press and Hold [#] key for 3 seconds