
238i Guide

ADT's self help desk allows you to troubleshoot your alarm system. Find out how to use your 238i system, different features and controls.

Two generic user guides.


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LCD Keypad: Alarm Lights

AC POWER FAILUREOffPower Failure. System is operating on battery.
LOW BATTERYSlow FlashBattery is low; Call your service department. LCD display will show system trouble.
SYSTEM ARMEDOnProtection is on.
SYSTEM DISARMEDOffProtection is off.

LCD Keypad: Alarm Messages

Ready to ARM Faulted Zone
Invalid PIN Entry-Disarm Now
Trouble Zone
AC FailLow Battery
Connection FailBell Fuse Fail

LED Keypad: Alarm Lights

AC FAILUREoffonsteadyPower Fail. System on Battery
FAULTED ZONE WHILE DISARMEDoffonsteady One or more zones are faulted.
SYSTEM IS ARMED (ALL PROTECTION ON)off*onsteady*Ready light will be on until system is armed.
SYSTEM IS DISARMED ALL PROTECTION OFF)on**Ready light is on if all zones are normal.
PERIMETER ARMED WITH DELAYS INTACTslow flashonsteadyslow flash*Armed with * 4 # *Flashing zones are bypassed
PERIMETER ARMED WITH DELAY ZONES CONVERTED TO INSTANTslow flashslow flashslow flashArmed with * 4 7 # *Flashing zones are bypassed.
ZONE TROUBLEslow flashslow flashService and zone in trouble. *Flash at the same rate.
ZONE(S) IS OR WAS IN ALARMslow flashon*fast flashAn alarm has occurred on this zone. *Armed light is on if the system is armed.
ZONE BYPASSEDslow flashslow flashReady and bypassed zone flash at the same rate.
LOW BATTERYslow flashonsteadyCall for service.
BELL FUSE FAILUREonsteadyCall for service.
WATCHDOG RESETslow flashPanel has reset itself. System OK. To reset the Service Light, press * 1 #.
COMMUNICATIONS FAILUREfast flashCall for service.
PROGRAMMING MODEslow flashslow flashslow flashSystem is in programming mode.

LED Keypad: Alarm Sounds

2 beepsSystem armed or disarmed
Successful central station test or battery test
5 beepsWrong PIN number entered
Invalid function
Unauthorized command attempted
Error changing PIN number
Continuous tone, beeping fast for last ten secondsEntry delay time
Continuous beeping, speeding up for last ten secondsExit delay time
2 second beepdoor chime
ring back after closing report
zone faulted during walk-test
chirping (1 second on, 4 seconds off)chirp alert warning: system is armed, but a Delay zone is faulted; you must disarm the system before entry delay expires or alarm will occur
zone programmed to chirp is in alarm
continuous tonezone programmed for steady bell or siren is in alarm
circuit malfunction (trouble on supervised loops only)
pulsed tone (2 seconds on, 2 seconds off)zone programmed for pulsed bell or siren is in alarm

Arming & Disarm The System

Arming The System

To arm the system:

1. Make sure the green READY light is on.

  • If the READY light is not on, the red ZONE lights will indicate which zone(s) are faulted. Faulted zones must be cleared or bypassed before the system can be armed.

2. Enter your PIN and push the # key.

  • Your PIN number can be from two to five digits long.
  • Don’t pause for more than 5 seconds while entering the digits or the control panel will reject your PIN number.
  • If you make a mistake while entering your PIN number, the keypad will beep five times.
    After the fifth beep, enter your PIN number again.

3. Make sure the red ARM light comes on.

  • The keypad will beep twice to confirm that the system is armed.

4. Exit through any TIME DELAY DOOR within ___ seconds

  • The exit delay time can be programmed from 10 seconds to 150 seconds.
  • If the EXIT PRE-ALARM option is installed, the keypad will beep slowly until 10 seconds before the delay time expires, then rapidly for the last 10 seconds.
  • Once the exit delay time has expired, the keypad will beep twice to confirm that the system is armed.

The rest of the ARMING THE SYSTEM section explains how to bypass zones before arming the system, as well as certain arming options our installer can install. However, it’s important for you to remember that no matter how your system is programmed, you will always disarm it in the same way: enter your PIN, then push the # key.

Instant Arming

Instant Arming converts all time delayed zones to INSTANT zones.

  1. Make sure the green READY light is on
  2. Enter your PIN (if required), push the * key, enter the digit “7”, then push the # key.
    • The keypad will beep twice to confirm that the system is armed.
    • The red ARM light will flash while the system is instant armed.
    • CAUTION: When the system is Instant Armed, you will not be able to enter through any perimeter door or walk through any protected area without setting off an alarm.
    • Bypassing interior zones will allow you to move about freely inside the premises while the system is armed. Refer to BYPASSING ZONES on page 14.
Home Arming

Home Arming arms perimeter zones, while bypassing interior zones (except 24-hour zones).

  1. Make sure the green READY light is on.
  2. Enter your PIN (if required), push the * key, enter the digit “4”, then push the # key.
    • The keypad will beep twice to confirm that the system is armed.
    • Home Arming allows you to move about freely inside the premises while the system is armed.
    • When the system is Home Armed, you can enter the premises without setting off an alarm through a delayed entry zone. (Don’t forget to disarm the system after entry!)

Instant Home Arming

Instant Home Arming arms perimeter zones, and bypasses interior zones (except 24-hour zones). Entry time delays are converted to INSTANT.

  1. Make sure the green READY light is on.
  2. Enter your PIN (if required), push the key, enter the digit “7”, the digit “4”, then push the # key.
    • The keypad will beep twice to confirm that the system is armed.
    • The red ARM light will flash while the perimeter zones are instant armed.
    • CAUTION: When the system is Instant Home Armed, you will not be able to enter through any perimeter door without setting off an alarm.

To Disarm The System:

  • Enter only through a TIME DELAY door.
    • If the ENTRY PRE-ALARM option is installed, the keypad will sound constantly until 10 seconds before the delay time expires (or the panel is disarmed), then beep rapidly for the last 10 seconds.
  • Enter your PIN within ______ seconds and push the # key.
  • Make sure the red ARM light on the keypad goes off.
    • If the ARM light does not go off, wait for the keypad to beep five times, then enter your PIN again.


This procedure allows you to bypass one or more zones while your system is DISARMED.

NOTE: System programming determines which PINs can bypass zones, also which zones can be bypassed.

  1. Enter your PIN if required.
  2. Push the [House Icon] key, enter the zone to be bypassed, then push the # key.
    • To bypass more than one zone: enter your PIN (if required), push the [House Icon] key, enter the first zone to be bypassed, push the [House Icon] key again, enter the next zone to be bypassed, and so on. When the last zone to be bypassed has been entered, push the # key.
    • To indicate that zones have been bypassed, the READY light and the ZONE light will flash slowly. The red ZONE lights of all bypassed zones will flash to remind you that bypassed zones are not protected.
    • The procedures for adding a bypass and removing a bypass are identical. To remove a bypass: enter your PIN, push the [HOUSE ICON] key, enter the zone from which the bypass is to be removed, then push the # key.
    • When you have finished bypassing zones, arm the system by entering your PIN and pushing the # key.

NOTE: Disarming your alarm system REMOVES all bypasses (except 24-hour zones).

Chime Mode


When this option is installed, the keypad will beep for two seconds each time a designated zone is faulted.

To turn the Door Chime on and off:

Push the * key, enter the digit “5”, then push the # key.

Clear Alarm Memory

After an Alarm Occurs:

  • Enter your PIN and push the # key.
    • This will silence the siren/bell and disarm the system.
    • The red ZONE lights on the keypad will flash to help you remember where the violations occurred.
  • If this is a false alarm and no emergency response is needed, call our central station IMMEDIATELY to cancel the alarm.
    • Write down the number of the triggered zones to help us service you.
  • Clear the alarm memory and red ZONE lights by pushing the * key, entering the digit “1”, then pushing the # key.

Keypad Options


Holding the [TRIANGLE] key down for three seconds will trigger an alarm. The keypad will beep twice to confirm the alarm condition.
NOTE: The System 238 and System 2316 have not been investigated by Underwriters Laboratories for compliance with UL1637, Home Health Care Signalling Equipment.


When this option is installed, holding down the [FIRE] key for three seconds will trigger an alarm. The keypad will beep twice to confirm the alarm condition.


When this option is installed, holding down the [POLICE BADGE] key for three seconds will trigger an alarm. The keypad will beep twice to confirm the alarm condition.

DURESS ALARM (238 and 2316 ONLY)

Should an intruder force you to turn your security system off or on, you can send a silent DURESS signal to our central station by adding or subtracting “1” from the last digit of your PIN. For example, if your PIN is 1-2-3-4, entering 1-2-3-3 OR 1-2-3-5 will trigger a silent alarm. Your system will appear to be operating normally. There will be no indication of an alarm condition.

  • If your PIN ends with a “0”, entering “9” or “1” instead of the “0” will trigger a DURESS signal.
  • If your PIN ends with a “9”, entering “8” or “0” instead of the “9” will trigger a DURESS signal.

DURESS ALARM (238i and 2316i ONLY)

Should an intruder force you to turn your security system off or on, you can send a silent DURESS signal to our central station by entering User Code 7 – a code designed exclusively for a DURESS signal. Your system will appear to be operating normally. There is no indication of an alarm condition.


The SYSTEM 238 can store up to 8 PINs, and the SYSTEM 2316 can store up to 32 PINs. In both systems, PIN #8 can be programmed as a GUEST COMBINATION that will only be valid for a specified number of successive days. The countdown of days begins the first time the GUEST COMBINATION is used.

  • Once the time expires, the GUEST COMBINATION will have to be reprogrammed before it can be used again.


When this option is installed, the bell/siren will sound for two seconds after the system is armed.

  • If your system is programmed to send closing reports to a monitoring station, ring back occurs after the signal is sent and acknowledged; otherwise, ring back occurs when the exit delay expires.

Reset Smoke Alarm


When a smoke detector is triggered, the red ZONE light of the zone where it’s located will come on, and the bell/siren will sound.

Before you do anything else, evacuate the building. Don’t go back inside until you’re sure it’s safe.

When it’s safe to do so, you can reset the smoke detectors by doing the following:

Push the key, enter the digit “6”, the digit “2”, and push the # key.

Test Mode Functions


This option allows on-site testing of each zone in your system.

To initiate the LOCAL SYSTEM TEST:

Enter your PIN (if required), push the * key, enter the digit “6”, the digit “0”, then push the # key.

  • Once the keypad lights go out, the system will be ready for testing. Walk through the areas protected by motion sensors; open and close protected doors and windows. Each time a zone is faulted, its corresponding red ZONE light on the keypad will begin flashing, and the keypad will chime.
  • To exit the system test, push any key.

WARNING: Your alarm system will not report alarms during the LOCAL SYSTEM TEST.


Your alarm system can be programmed to automatically test its standby battery every 24 hours. During the test, AC power is turned off in order to monitor the battery under load.

  • To manually test the standby battery, push the key, enter the digit “6”, the digit “4”, then push the # key.
  • The standby battery test takes 2 minutes. During the test, the green AC light will be off.
  • If the battery is okay, the keypad will beep twice. If the battery is low or dead, the POWER light will flash slowly, the SERVICE light will be on steady, and the keypad will beep five times.


To test the bells/sirens in your security system: Enter your PIN (if required), push the * key, enter the digit “6”, the digit “3”, then push the # key.

  • The bell/siren and keypads will sound for 3 seconds.


This option tests the reporting capability of your system by sending a test message to the central station.

Enter your PIN (if required), push the * key, enter the digit “6”, the digit “1”, then push the # key.

  • If the test message was successfully transmitted to the central station, the keypad will beep twice.
  • If the test message was not successfully transmitted to the central station, the keypad will beep five times, and the SERVICE light will flash rapidly. Call our Service Department for assistance.

User Code Changes


User 1 can use his Master PIN to change the PINs of Users 1 – 8.

  1. Enter your Master PIN, push the [*] key, enter the digit “0”, then push the # key.
    1. The READY, ARMED and SERVICE lights will flash slowly to indicate programming mode.
  2. Enter the new PIN and push the # key.
    1. The new PIN can be from two to five digits long, but must start with the same first digit as the old PIN.
  3. Enter the new PIN again and push the # key.
    1. If the new PIN is accepted, the keypad will beep twice. If you make a mistake while programming, or if the system rejects the new PIN, the keypad will beep five times.
  4. Exit the programming mode by pushing the * key, then the # key.
  5. Make sure the new PIN works.
    After leaving the programming mode, Arm and Disarm your system to ensure that the new PIN functions properly.

User 1 can use his Master PIN to delete the PINs of Users 2 – 8.

  1. Enter your Master PIN, push the * key, enter the digit “0”, then push the ENTER key.
    1. The READY, ARMED and SERVICE lights will flash slowly to indicate programming mode.
  2. Enter the User number (2 – 8) you wish to delete, and push the # key.
  3. Enter the User number you wish to delete(again), and push the # key.
  4. Exit the programming mode by pushing the * key, then the # key.

User #1 can use the Master PIN to change the PINs of Users 1 – 32 (See Below).

  1. Enter your Master PIN, push the * key, enter the digit “0”, then push the # key.
    1. The READY, ARMED and SERVICE lights will flash slowly to indicate programming mode.
  2. Enter the User number (1 – 32) and push the # key.
  3. Enter the new PIN and push the # key.NOTE: On System 2316i, User Code #32 is reserved for special functions using the Optional Relay Output Module.
    1. The new PIN can be from two to five digits long.
  4. Enter the new PIN again and push the # key.
    If the new PIN is accepted, the keypad will beep twice. If you make a mistake while programming, or if the system rejects the new PIN, the keypad will beep five times.
  5. Exit the programming mode by pushing the * key, then the # key.
  6. Make sure the new PIN works.
    After leaving the programming mode, Arm and Disarm your system to ensure that the new PIN functions properly.

User 1 can use his Master PIN to delete the PINs of Users 2 – 32

  1. Enter your Master PIN, push the * key, enter the digit “0”, then push the # key.
    1. The READY, ARMED and SERVICE lights will flash slowly to indicate programming mode.
  2. Enter the User number and push the # key.
  3. Enter zero and push the # key.
  4. Enter zero (again) and push the # key.
  5. Exit the programming mode by pushing the * key, then the # key.

View Cheatsheet

Arming The System

Ensure all faulted zones are cleared or bypassed.

Enter [CODE] + [#]

Disarming The System

Enter [CODE] + [#]

The ARM light on the keypad should disappear

The READY TO ARM should illuminate

Bypass Zones

Enter [CODE] + [HOUSE ICON] + [ZONE NUMBER] + [#]


Enter [CODE] + [*] + [2] + [ZONE NUMBER] + [#]

Bypass Multiple Zones


Clearing Memory

[*] + [1] + [#]

Reset Smoke Alarms

[*] + [6] + [2] + [#]

Door Chime

[*] + [5] + [#]