Security Tips & Community

Closing the gaps in home security for greater peace of mind

While a safe and crime-free society would be ideal, the reality is that thousands of homes are broken into every year across the country. New Zealand Police statistics revealed that seven out of 10 burglaries are residential crimes, with 43,128 households experiencing a break-in between 2020-21 [1].

A man holding a checklist and checking the exterior doors of a building

Property-related crimes, including break-ins and theft, are mostly opportunistic in nature. While advancements in home security technology and real-time monitoring capabilities have made it easier for property owners to better protect their assets, undertaking an annual home security self-audit can further help reduce the likelihood of a property being targeted. Take appropriate action to address urgent maintenance and upgrade your security system to help close the gaps.

Following are our tips to help keep your home safe and secure:

1. Conduct a home security self-audit

Thieves looking to break into your home will likely start by seeking the path of least resistance so it’s important to identify any weak spots. Walk around your property, both inside and outside, looking for any areas that compromise your home’s security such as broken fences, gate latches and window locks. Assess any dark areas, low hedges, overhanging tree branches that may provide easy access to an unlocked window. Don’t forget to check sheds, garages and laundry doors, as these areas are often overlooked. Installing strategically placed outdoor sensor lights and trimming back overgrown bushes and branches can provide greater visibility and protection.

2. Upgrade your security system

The most sophisticated and reliable home security system is one that is monitored 24/7 and customised by industry professionals in line with your home and lifestyle needs. If your security system is a few years old, it may be time for an upgrade to ensure you’re taking advantage of smart technology and features that can take your home security to the next level. ADT Security’s team of licensed professionals will recommend system upgrades, recommending sensor technology to help enhance your home’s defensive measures. Additional sensors and devices can be easily added to an ADT Security system, with solutions that detect pressure or movement, such as window sensors, break glass detectors and motion sensors operating on an infrared frequency.

3. Go mobile

By connecting your home security system to a mobile phone using the ADT App, you can confidently leave home knowing that you can view your home through live-streaming cameras, allowing you to monitor belongings and loved ones from wherever you are. This can relieve the stress you may feel if you’re worried you forgot to turn on the security system before you left home or provide reassurance if you’re travelling away from home for an extended period. The ADT Mobile App puts you in complete control to remotely arm and disarm your security system and turn appliances on or off to save energy.

4. Install security cameras

Live streaming cameras are ideal for monitoring multiple areas around the home and can be a strong deterrent to potential thieves. With ADT Security wi-fi cameras, view people coming and going from your home, such as tradespeople or cleaners, and keep an eye on online shopping deliveries that arrive. Indoor video monitoring capabilities can also be used as a pet or baby monitor, allowing users to watch a live feed from a phone, tablet or computer. There is even the option to remotely set predefined parameters to track entry and exit into your home, as well as communicate with people via a 2-way communication system.

5. Add home automation technology

While a well-rounded security system includes many elements, including 24/7 back to base monitoring, combining your ADT security system with smart home automation features and technology with AI capabilities that support your household’s lifestyle and routine. For example, programming lights to switch on and off at designated times using smart switches connected to your ADT home security system is a clever way to help give the impression that the home is occupied while you’re away. Geo services that automatically adjust your lights based on the location of your device or notify you to set an alarm remotely are also possible using the ADT mobile App.

Ultimately, protecting your home is about embracing security that is smarter, not grander. The right home security system tailored to the individual needs of your home and family can protect your property automatically while giving you the power to monitor and control everything remotely for complete peace of mind

For more security tips, visit our website or call us on 0800 111 238 to arrange a professional home security assessment by our team of licenced professionals.



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